Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Time Lost Proto Drake

So here I am , it is 4:30am and I am about to go to bed. (I know up that late?) I actually log off my account, and get up from my chair. Then I think. I wonder if the Time Lost Drake is making his rounds. So I log back in and go from dragonblight, I was questing there for the loremaster title, and head up to one of TLPD's spawn point. My Silverdragon addon starts going nuts and in the distance I see her. The rare I have been looking for. She was actually right where she spawns so I can only assume she had just appeared.

Well, I waist no time. I did not want to see someone else jump in and tag her so I get to the ledge she is near and start spamming moonfire. She drops to the ground and I loot her, and there it is, the drake I have been wanting for a long time, in my bags. I learn it and then mount up.

What a sweet mount it is. I think I will be using this mount for a long time to come. Hope you all like the vidoe.