Saturday, August 13, 2011


That is right Ladies and Gentlemen. I decided to start moving all my characters to the horde side of this game. Why, you may ask? Just watch the video and find out. :)

Things, on my server, are much different between Horde and Alliance. Horde wins in PVP a lot more then Alliance and, as you all know. I am kind of a PVP junkie so it is only natural that I change factions when Alliance are no good at what I do.

So what does this mean for you, the fans of my videos? This means you will be seeing much more pvp videos not only on my rogue, but my main as well. Druid healer FTW. Anyway people, that is all I had to talk about today so I hope this short blog is not too stupid. Talk to you all fine people laterz...