Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Now I Am Mad

This new patch has me angry. Blizzard decided they had to fuck with the druids when they were just fine. As you now. I am a resto druid, but all specs got jacked. My biggest complaint is the Glyph of Entangling Roots. Ok, I can understand how people will say that it was op when it was an instant cast. This I can see. But to nerf it to where it makes the spell .02 seconds faster cast time is a joke. That glyph is now useless. Really? .02 seconds. 2 tenths of a second? Time to reglyph.

Also, making it to where druids can no longer shapeshift out of a snare is stupid. That is what made druids unique. Bitch all you want about them being OP, but come on now, blizzard is taking everything from the druid that makes a druid, well, a druid. Mages can still blink out of snares, so why take away the druids ability to do it? I am going to be leveling alts to 85 for now. My druid will be on hold. My druid is almost useless as a healer in arena's so what is the point in doing that as well.

I need to light up the forums with hate and anger. I know it will not do any good, but I need to vent. lol. I just really really hate what blizzard did to the druids. REALLY hate it. At least I have alts I can level. So yeah, again, the druid will not be played much until blizzard opens their eyes. It was one thing to take away the ability to mount up when in moonkin form, (no reason given for that BTW, so that is a pointless thing) but now take away things that help us survive. Healers already have troubles in pvp situations and now blizzard just made it worse for druids, IMO. I guess there will be less and less healers in bg's now that the patch is live.

Ok, I am done ranting. Just had to get that out there and off my chest.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on the druids. It doesn't matter is you play horde or alliance but for those that pvp this is a injustice to them. Druids healers were the life savers in bgs especially in wsg or twin peaks. If you were the flag carrier and you had a druid healer(s) with you, you knew you had a better chance of surviving.

    I hope Blizz wakes the hell up and un-nerfs the druids. I love my druid and yes, she may be a boomkin but she also a healer. I grew to love healing in bgs and now Blizz took that away. What class will Blizz nerf next?
