Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Anyone Out There

So it has been some time since I last posted an entry and my question is, is anyone even out there watching or reading my posts here? I will keep making and updating this blog, but not as often as I had planned, that is until I know people are actually reading the posts when I actually do post them. :)

So, what are people's thoughts on the upcoming patch? I know I am going to like that we can organize our characters on the character screen. I like to have all my characters in a row according to their levels from top to bottom so it will really be nice to be able to do this.

The thing I do not like is that we are now going to have to do rated battle grounds to get conquest points. I LOVE doing arena's but I hate rated bg's so this is going to be stupid as hell. Why can't blizzard stop messing with things that are not broken? Why? I ask you. It is stupid.

Anyway, just a short blog post today. I will try to keep this updated more often from now on, but do not hold your breath.

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