Saturday, April 30, 2011

Battle Grounds

Ok, so as most of you all know. I am a PVP fan. HUGE, I would love to see world PVP returned as it once was in Vanilla WoW, but I do not see that happening any time soon, sadly.

So, today I would like to talk a little bit about battlegrounds. The ups, the downs, 4.1 changes, and so on.

1. Arathi Basin Changes: I noticed that both graveyards have been moved slightly. What is the reason for this change? If anyone has any idea what Blizzard was thinking to gain with this, let me know. Now, if I am killed in my flag room, I have to jump off the hill, and run up the tunnel to get back in. Not sure why they did this but it is an annoyance.

2. Que Times: Since patch 4.1 went live. Battle Ground Que times, or the whole bg LFG system for this matter, seems to have been broken. Seems to be worse for lower levels right now. What I mean is. When I am on my level 24 rogue, the one I am leveling through bg's only, is having real bad issues.

    a) I am in Que for 20 min, I then leave que and start all over just to wait another 20-30 min. This would not be a big problem if I was questing as well, but since I have decided to level in bg's only, sitting in SW doing nothing for over an hour is not acceptable.

    b) When the bg finally does pop up and I hit except. I have to hit it 3 million times for it to stick and let me in. And sometimes the icon to click enter goes away and I can not enter. I then lose 30+ min of wait time and have to start all over.  Blizzard screwed something up on this patch and I am not happy about this.

3. When Blizzard nerfs or boosts classes, it effects pvp more then it does pve. If a class is OP in PVE I do not see that being an issue as it effects no one on a bad way, if anything, it helps your team finish your goal faster, but when Blizzard boosts a class for a pve situation, it screws up the pvp side and makes a class a little more OP and, in many cases, unfair.

     Also, on this same note, whenever a class is boosted, you see more of that class in a bg then any other class. It is pretty sad that people have to be like pawns and create a class just because they can kick more ass in a bg. It just tells me that these people have a hard time on their other classes and just want to look and act bad ass in a bg. It is sad.

Ok, that is about all I wanted to talk about today so come back soon as I am going to talk about other things later.


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