Thursday, December 15, 2011


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Image Gallery

What is up everyone. I know it has been a while since I last posted here, but I have like 4 followers so there really is not much to say, but I will try to post a little more often for the people that follow me here.

I did want to post this link here. It is where I am posting ALL my screenshots I have taken over the past few months in the game and I have a lot of them. I use an addon called Achievement Screenshotter and it automatically takes screen shots during pivital moments such as any achievement, level up, gaining rep, and battle ground endings.

There have been a many times where I did not notice the add on had turned itself off and has a bad habit of doing that so some stuff I was unable to capture, but, everything I have on my computer is being uploaded here.

Here is the link

Smirv's Screenshot Gallery

Be sure to bookmark this link because I do upload to it often as not to keep the screenshots on my pc. This is a pretty cool way to see some of the older stuff I have done on my characters.


Saturday, August 13, 2011


That is right Ladies and Gentlemen. I decided to start moving all my characters to the horde side of this game. Why, you may ask? Just watch the video and find out. :)

Things, on my server, are much different between Horde and Alliance. Horde wins in PVP a lot more then Alliance and, as you all know. I am kind of a PVP junkie so it is only natural that I change factions when Alliance are no good at what I do.

So what does this mean for you, the fans of my videos? This means you will be seeing much more pvp videos not only on my rogue, but my main as well. Druid healer FTW. Anyway people, that is all I had to talk about today so I hope this short blog is not too stupid. Talk to you all fine people laterz...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Anyone Out There

So it has been some time since I last posted an entry and my question is, is anyone even out there watching or reading my posts here? I will keep making and updating this blog, but not as often as I had planned, that is until I know people are actually reading the posts when I actually do post them. :)

So, what are people's thoughts on the upcoming patch? I know I am going to like that we can organize our characters on the character screen. I like to have all my characters in a row according to their levels from top to bottom so it will really be nice to be able to do this.

The thing I do not like is that we are now going to have to do rated battle grounds to get conquest points. I LOVE doing arena's but I hate rated bg's so this is going to be stupid as hell. Why can't blizzard stop messing with things that are not broken? Why? I ask you. It is stupid.

Anyway, just a short blog post today. I will try to keep this updated more often from now on, but do not hold your breath.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Battle Grounds

Ok, so as most of you all know. I am a PVP fan. HUGE, I would love to see world PVP returned as it once was in Vanilla WoW, but I do not see that happening any time soon, sadly.

So, today I would like to talk a little bit about battlegrounds. The ups, the downs, 4.1 changes, and so on.

1. Arathi Basin Changes: I noticed that both graveyards have been moved slightly. What is the reason for this change? If anyone has any idea what Blizzard was thinking to gain with this, let me know. Now, if I am killed in my flag room, I have to jump off the hill, and run up the tunnel to get back in. Not sure why they did this but it is an annoyance.

2. Que Times: Since patch 4.1 went live. Battle Ground Que times, or the whole bg LFG system for this matter, seems to have been broken. Seems to be worse for lower levels right now. What I mean is. When I am on my level 24 rogue, the one I am leveling through bg's only, is having real bad issues.

    a) I am in Que for 20 min, I then leave que and start all over just to wait another 20-30 min. This would not be a big problem if I was questing as well, but since I have decided to level in bg's only, sitting in SW doing nothing for over an hour is not acceptable.

    b) When the bg finally does pop up and I hit except. I have to hit it 3 million times for it to stick and let me in. And sometimes the icon to click enter goes away and I can not enter. I then lose 30+ min of wait time and have to start all over.  Blizzard screwed something up on this patch and I am not happy about this.

3. When Blizzard nerfs or boosts classes, it effects pvp more then it does pve. If a class is OP in PVE I do not see that being an issue as it effects no one on a bad way, if anything, it helps your team finish your goal faster, but when Blizzard boosts a class for a pve situation, it screws up the pvp side and makes a class a little more OP and, in many cases, unfair.

     Also, on this same note, whenever a class is boosted, you see more of that class in a bg then any other class. It is pretty sad that people have to be like pawns and create a class just because they can kick more ass in a bg. It just tells me that these people have a hard time on their other classes and just want to look and act bad ass in a bg. It is sad.

Ok, that is about all I wanted to talk about today so come back soon as I am going to talk about other things later.


Monday, April 11, 2011


Well, I did it, I got a 3rd character to level 85. With all the alts and characters I have, I doubt I will do anything to gear them up. I will be working on my Warrior next. He currently sits at level 47 so it will be a while till he is 85. Might tinker on the mage who is level 81, but not really having too much fun on it. Not sure why, she used to be my favorite. Oh well, the druid took her place as my favorite.

On to the Shaman. I am thinking about changing his race to Dwarf as I really never liked the Alien Goats, but at the time of switching him from Horde to Alliance, they were the only race with shaman class. Now that Dwarf has it, I think I will pay to change him to Dwarf.

Anyway, The shaman will not be doing as much PVP as my druid. He will be more of a gold farmer/ profession assistance. Also, I may just do some instances with him from time to time. I am Elemental spec right now and plan to stay that way, just need to refine the points to make him a little better. I kind of just threw the points in while I was leveling.

Anyway, I am working on a video with some footage of him dinging 85 so be looking for that.

:) anyway, that is the update, hope you all enjoyed reading.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Time Lost Proto Drake

So here I am , it is 4:30am and I am about to go to bed. (I know up that late?) I actually log off my account, and get up from my chair. Then I think. I wonder if the Time Lost Drake is making his rounds. So I log back in and go from dragonblight, I was questing there for the loremaster title, and head up to one of TLPD's spawn point. My Silverdragon addon starts going nuts and in the distance I see her. The rare I have been looking for. She was actually right where she spawns so I can only assume she had just appeared.

Well, I waist no time. I did not want to see someone else jump in and tag her so I get to the ledge she is near and start spamming moonfire. She drops to the ground and I loot her, and there it is, the drake I have been wanting for a long time, in my bags. I learn it and then mount up.

What a sweet mount it is. I think I will be using this mount for a long time to come. Hope you all like the vidoe.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


I have been doing a lot of thinking and I have decided, for now anyway, it may change later. But I think I am going to be doing some how to's on achievements for a while. I have been thinking about it and I want to get my druid some achievements and since I make videos, why not just use that platform to help others who may not know how to do it.

I will, of course, be skipping the easy ones such as level's, exploring, and others that just come naturally in most cases. What I am talking about are ones that are a little harder to get, hidden ones, and ones that take more effort to obtain. So be looking for the videos soon. :) Here are some screenshots of achievements I already have...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Some Screenshots For You All

A Couple of Achievements in one. :)

World Wide Winner

City Defender

I was Thrilled to get this one

Double Rainbow

An Old School Screenshot

Yeah, can not do this anymore

Hitting Level Cap In Cataclysm

Well that is all I am going to post for now of the screenshots. I will do some more later on, if you are interested in seeing some more that is. I have many many screenshots. I really like the autoscreenshotter addon it is pretty nice. 

Oh and here is the newest video just in case you missed it...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Now I Am Mad

This new patch has me angry. Blizzard decided they had to fuck with the druids when they were just fine. As you now. I am a resto druid, but all specs got jacked. My biggest complaint is the Glyph of Entangling Roots. Ok, I can understand how people will say that it was op when it was an instant cast. This I can see. But to nerf it to where it makes the spell .02 seconds faster cast time is a joke. That glyph is now useless. Really? .02 seconds. 2 tenths of a second? Time to reglyph.

Also, making it to where druids can no longer shapeshift out of a snare is stupid. That is what made druids unique. Bitch all you want about them being OP, but come on now, blizzard is taking everything from the druid that makes a druid, well, a druid. Mages can still blink out of snares, so why take away the druids ability to do it? I am going to be leveling alts to 85 for now. My druid will be on hold. My druid is almost useless as a healer in arena's so what is the point in doing that as well.

I need to light up the forums with hate and anger. I know it will not do any good, but I need to vent. lol. I just really really hate what blizzard did to the druids. REALLY hate it. At least I have alts I can level. So yeah, again, the druid will not be played much until blizzard opens their eyes. It was one thing to take away the ability to mount up when in moonkin form, (no reason given for that BTW, so that is a pointless thing) but now take away things that help us survive. Healers already have troubles in pvp situations and now blizzard just made it worse for druids, IMO. I guess there will be less and less healers in bg's now that the patch is live.

Ok, I am done ranting. Just had to get that out there and off my chest.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Thoughts

Just had to share this photo with you all, Someone thought I was doing my job correctly. :) made me smile.

Whats up everyone that might actually be reading my blogs.

Ok, so I have been posting videos on Youtube for just over a year now, I have reached 2,000 subscribers. That is WAY more then I had even thought about getting when I first started making videos so I want to thank everyone who is following my channel and sticking with me. These videos are for you and not for me so it is the fans that keep the channel alive.

Over the months I have been getting a lot of people asking me to give them shout outs to help boost their channel and bring them more subscribers. Once in a while, I pick someone that I like to watch and give them a little help by shouting out their channel, but you all, the ones asking for a shout out, need to realize something. If I gave EVERYONE a shout out who asks for one, my videos would be nothing but shout outs. So, to make it a little more fair, I am holding challenges/contests for people that would like to have me mention their channel in my videos. This way, I can give a shout out, but since I can not do it to everyone, at least I can do it once in a while for people that work for it.

Ok, with that said, I have some questions to ask you all.

1. Where would you like to see my channel go
    What I mean is, would you all like to see more content from other games, have me hold more contests, what? Since I am making the videos for you, the fans, I want to be sure I am pleasing all of you, or at least most, and if I am posting crappy videos, or videos with content you do not want to see, then I am failing.

2. If I was to have a 2nd channel that had other games, I.E. Minecraft, CoD, Flash games, and so forth, then would you subscribe to it? If I did have another channel it would really not see much action. Trying to make videos for one is time consuming as it is.

3. Should I do a duel commentary with someone and would you be entertained listening to something such as that? Or should I do something like, ask questions, have people send me answers and then stitch them together in a video?

Anyway I am dragging the post out a little too long. Just wanted to get some feedback from you all.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Contest Winner

Well, I want to congrats cooleobrad for being the winner of the challange. Here is the video announcing the winner...

Be sure to give Cooleobrad some love and be looking forward to the next challenge, whatever that may be. Also I am working on a gear update video and should be posting that with in a week or less. I am also working on an addon video as many of you peeps want to know what addons I use. I do not use that many so it should be a short video, unless of course I ramble on as I seem to do.

One more announcement. My family just found out that we will be receiving a new member into the family. My sister is with child so I am going to be an Uncle. This is going to be the first of the kids having kids so we are all very excited.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Killing Blows

Just posted a video showing killing blows on my new druid. Also talked about the weekly challenge and would like you all to check it out. Get creative with the theme and post the videos. I love PVP and want to see others getting in the PVP spirit. :)

I really love Warsong Gultch so I decided to challenge you all to run and cap the flag in WsG. Now, I realize this is really easy but I think it is a pretty cool challenge for the first one. I am really curious to see how many people actually respond to it. I did some sort of contest in the past and had one person actually participate. So, we shall see what happens.

If you do not do videos, I am sorry, but this weeks challenge is only for video makers. I am thinking of one to do for next time for the people that do not make videos. I am not sure if I will have an idea, but I am thinking. :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Patch 4.0.6 Changes

Here are some of the changes that will be taking place once the patch is live...

*Bloodlust, Heroism, Time Warp, and Ancient Hysteria will no longer be able to be used in arenas

*In Stands Of The Ancient, the mounted cannons will be dealing much more damage then before.
They will also be removing the passenger seats in the demolishers

*The Status of Tol Barad will be able to be seen by zooming in on Tol Barad from anywhere you happen to be.

There will be many racial ability changes as well and I suggest you check out the latest patch notes to see what blizzard has done to some of the racial abilities. One of the things I have taken note to is the Night Elf Shadow Meld ability and the Tauren War Stomp ability are now usable in ALL forms. This I like. Also, something to note, the CD on the Worgen's Darkflight ability has been reduced, but again, to see all the changes, please check out the patch notes here...

One thing they are doing to druids has me a little upset. Shifting forms will not longer break snare or rooting spells, UNLESS you are a healer and you have used talent points for this. I am a little saddened by this, but in all honesty, that was rather OP. The good thing is, my druid just happens to be a healer so I do not have to worry about it. :P

One of the major changes to the hunter is, They will now be able to auto shoot while moving. This is a huge change and I just might be playing my hunter a little more once the patch goes live, we shall see.

This patch is not going live this week and I am unsure as to when, but from what I hear it should be next week or the following one. So be ready for it. :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Uploading A New Video

Alright, I am currently uploading a new video. This video will be showcasing some of my new changes to my videos and I talk a little about these changes. I do want to make mention that this is a part one to a two part video topic. I do have the 2nd part ready to be rendered so if anyone asks any question in this new video, please do not expect them to be answered right away.

One of the things I want to be doing is to make little challenges. I talked about that in my last post, but I want to delve a little deeper into my idea. I will ask you guys to do something in a video, kind of, challenge you to attempt something in game. Be it getting a simi hard to a very hard achievement, or doing something simple like get you guys to say something crazy in trade chat on your server. Might even be something like running an outlands or even a northrend instance solo. Whatever I come up with at the time.

Once you do it, I have to see it. So I expect you all to film it then upload it to your channel then post it as a response. The winner will get a shout out or some other non fabulous, free, prize like a spot in my box for an extended time, or anything I choose at random that will benefit you in some way. You can leave a comment here with any ideas you may have as a prize.

Do not fret, if you do not make videos that is fine. I will come up with some other secondary challenge for you tubers that do not make videos. Wacky comments, spam my comment box and the person with the most wins, getting other people to subscribe to my channel, whatever I come up with that does not involve making a video. I will come up with a prize for that as well.

Anyway that is all I have to talk about in this post, please be sure to bookmark this page, leave a comment, whatever you want to do. This blog is for you guys. :)

Have fun gaming

Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Blog

Ok, so I have decided to start doing blogs. Not sure how well this will work out, but since I am not going to be doing twitter anymore, and I may stop doing the Facebook thing, I decided I would still like to keep my fans up to date on projects and videos I am currently working on.

So, a lot of changes are going to be made in regards to my videos. Things like, music being added to the videos in the background, I am also going to keep my videos to a 5-6 minute minimum as 10-13 minutes is just a tad too long and I know viewers have been complaining about the length. 

My next video will be up for people to view by morning so be looking for it. This one is a few seconds over the 6 minute mark and I explain much of the changes in that video. Also, I am going to start doing weekly themes/contests for my subscribers. Since my video uploads are not on a schedule, meaning that I do not post on a weekly basis exactly, Each theme or contest will run from one video to the next, sometimes one week, sometimes shorter and even still, sometimes longer, it just depends.

I am hoping these changes will not only bring in new subscribers, but will also help keep the ones I do have and make you all more interested in watching my videos.

Well, that is all I have to talk about today, I will try to update this blog often so be sure to follow me here. I am going to put the link to this blog in each video so it will be easy for you all to come back. :)

Have fun gaming